Coronavirus Customer Advice

coronavirus customer advice


Coronavirus Customer Advice


Here’s a couple of issues that might put your mind at ease during the crisis and keep you well.


  1. Fuel is Not Going to Run Out

Brian Madderson, the chief of the Petrol Retailers Association has said that:

  • He is confident there will be no fuel shortages as a result of the coronavirus pandemic
  • He’s been in contact with his Italian counterpart who has seen the reverse of panic buying due to the travel restrictions imposed by the Italian government. Italy has seen a 60% reduction in fuel sales as a result.
  • Currently in the UK, filling stations relying more on passing trade, and have reported a slump in demand as fewer motorists embark on longer journeys.
  • He also said filling stations were doing everything they could to ensure high standards of hygiene on forecourts for both customers and staff. All PRA members are offering gloves for motorists to use at the pumps, and hand sanitiser is being offered to customers and staff, where available.


  1. Wear Gloves When Filling Up

Every opportunity to minimise risk – take it. If someone has touched it there is always a risk.


  1. Pay by Card

Paying at the pump is ideal but if have to go to in the kiosk use the contactless. If you’re spending more than £30 and have to use the keypad make sure you don’t touch your face straight afterwards. Also make sure you’ve got sanitiser in your vehicle. There have also been cases of some fuel retailers refusing to accept cash due to concerns over contaminated notes.


  1. Keep Your Distance

Remember the two-metre rule.

“If you do go out, you must not get closer than two metres from someone who isn’t in your household. “It is a really simple rule and incredibly important because to protect life and the NHS. We need to stop the spread of this virus and the virus spreads by people coming into close contact with each other.”


  1. Isolation is not just a suggestion

The government has told 1.25 million with underlying health issues to stay in isolation for twelve weeks. If you’re one of them, please consider whether the journeys you’re taking are necessary.


At Cambrian we are open for business as usual. We are commited to giving our customers the level of service they had before the pandemic.


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