Crackdown on illegal driver working hours says DVSA

New data suggest DVSA efforts to cut drivers working illegal hours is effective.

In March 2018, tough new powers were granted to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency to cut own the numbers of drivers spending too much time at the wheel.

The powers enabled the DVSA with powers to conduct roadside checks and issue on the spot fines of up to £300 per offence. If a driver persistently breaks the rules, a consolidated fine of £1500 will be issued. The rules apply both to journeys undertaken in and out of the UK. Non-British drivers face having their trucks immobilised if they do not pay up immediately.

What the data shows

  • Since the introduction of the roadside checks, despite 7000 fewer inspections fines rose by 700%
  • In 2017, 4236 penalties were issued compared to 19723 in 2018
  • In 2017, fines totalled £478400, in 2018 the number rose to £3,653,450



Government officials have noted that:

  • new changes have made it easier and cheaper to prosecute non-UK drivers
  • the system allows enforcement officers to use historical data, not just the current offence
  • the increase in powers to sends a clear message to drivers to take their breaks and not engage in tachograph manipulation

Click here to read the official guidance given by the dvsa

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