How do I choose the best fuel card? – Infographic

How do I choose the best fuel card?

How do I choose the best fuel card? – Infographic

How do I choose the best fuel card?

There are a number of factors that could influence your choice of fuel card.

Finding the right card(s) depends on:

  • how and where your business operates
  • your type of fleet
  • your expectations of your fuel card provider
  • what value fuel cards will bring to your organisation


Does your business really need fuel cards? Is your fleet big enough to fully benefit from the cost savings?

Pump vs Fixed

Many fuel card companies offer a weekly wholesale – related fixed price. The pump price is usually higher as it includes the forecourt margin.


Single Network cards limit you to specific forecourts and partner sites while multi-network cards cover vast areas. Also consider the ease of use for your fleet and types of journeys they make.

Fleet Type

Does your fleet just do local journeys or operate nationally?

Have you got a fleet of mixed vehicles? or just a fleet of cars?

Fuel Type

Different businesses have different needs and you should be aware that you can get petrol cards, diesel cards, mixed fuel cards and now cards for electric charging.

Hidden Costs

The larger fuel card companies charge handling fees, transaction fees and usage fees as a trade-off for providing greater card coverage.

Business Impact

Fuel cards negate many lengthy and labour intensive admin processes. There would no longer be a need to collect receipts or submit mileage forms. Fuel card providers also give customers access to an online account portal where they can view itemised transaction data and produce VAT – compliant reports.


Fuel cards can be used to purchase oil, lubricants, car washes and shop goods. They can also be used to pay for motorway tolls. Some fuel cards offer reward schemes such as Shell GO+, Nectar points, and Tesco Clubcard points.

Service Quality

The smaller the provider – the more bespoke and personal the service is. Don’t be under the misconception that bigger means better.


Fuel cards provide businesses with a facility that enables them to have greater control over their fleet activity. They provide a secure and transparent service that gives fleet managers the tools to administrate their vehicle usage effectively and make operating a fleet vehicle easier.


Useful Links

To find out more about our range of fuel cards click here –

To talk to one of our helpful customer service advisors, call us free on 0800 6126132

How Do I Choose The Best Fuel Card? – Infographic

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