London’s ULEZ – What you need to know

ulez map 2019


In a bid to improve air quality, an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) will be in place in central London from 8 April 2019.


Vehicles travelling in the area must meet emissions standards or pay a daily charge.

The daily charge will be set at £12.50 and will be in addition to the weekday Congestion Charge and the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) charge.

The fine for not paying the charge is £160 (£80 if paid within 14 days).

According to estimates, the changes will affect:

  • 100000 cars
  • 35000 vans
  • 3000 lorries


The general rule for compliance is that cars made after 2005 and diesel vans made after 2016 will meet the required standards.

To check if your vehicle is compliant or to see the list of exemptions, go to the Transport For London website.

The charge will also apply to vehicles not registered in the UK.


Future Plans

In 2021, the zone will increase 18 times in size to extend all the way to the M25.

ulez map 2021


Purpose of ULEZ

Recent research shows each car in London costs the NHS £8,000 due to air pollution over the course of its lifetime.

Air pollution is linked to a range of health conditions including lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Levels in the capital have consistently breached legal levels for years.


To find out how our range fuel cards could help you offset the cost of the ULEZ, contact us now on 0800 612 6132 or go to