New Driving Laws 2021


New Driving Laws 2021


From today (April 1st 2021), a slew of new driving laws will be put in place.

The changes mostly affect tax issues affecting both for personal and work vehicles.

The new laws incentivise the uptake of electric vehicles and penalising more polluting vehicles.


Here the latest driving law changes:


Mobile Phone Ban


Drivers caught holding their phones while driving could risk a £200 fine and six penalty points.

The new ban replaces a loophole which allowed people to take photos and videos while driving without being penalised.



Purchase Tax


If your car emits more than 225gCO2/km will be required to pay a 50% purchase tax from this year, which would increase in instalments.





The amount of tax you’ll pay will depend on your new car’s CO2 emissions. Those that emit no CO2 will cost you nothing to tax.

You can see the full breakdown here:

CO2 emissions
First-year Rate Standard (second-year) rate
Zero £0 £0
1 to 50 £10 £155
51 to 75 £25 £155
76 to 90 £115 £155
91 to 100 £140 £155
101 to 110 £160 £155
111 to 130 £180 £155
131 to 150 £220 £155
151 to 170 £555 £155
171 to 190 £895 £155
191 to 225 £1,345 £155
226 to 255 £1,910 £155
Over 255 £2,245 £155



Benefit in Kind


Drivers may have to pay as much as £390 per year to use their vehicles due to BiKs reintroduction.

A 1% charge, based on income rates and vehicle value, could find many drivers with zero-emission models caught out, a charge that will likely increase to 2% in 2022.



Fuel Duty


Rishi Sunak has confirmed that the duty on fuel will once again be frozen for the new tax year.

This means that it has stayed at the same rate for a 10th year in a row.

Fuel duty is a tax currently stands at 57.95p per litre of petrol, diesel, biodiesel and bioethanol.


To find out about how our services will save your fleet money and offset the costs of the new legal introductions go to www.cambriancards.com



New Driving Laws 2021

Categories: Business taxes
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