road rage – infographic

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roadrage inforgraphic

Incidents of road rage are quickly becoming a daily occurence in the UK whether you’re a victim or an offender.


20% of drivers felt rage whilst at the wheel at least once a week.

In terms of Age:
42% of 18-24 year olds felt it everyday
20% of 25-54 year olds felt it once a week
6% of over 55s felt it once a week

In terms of Gender, women were a third more likely feel it than men, 27% compared to 18%


The UK is the road rage capital of the world

The law governing road rage – Public Order Act 1986 Section 4A & 5

61% of motorists suffered an incident in the last 12 months

80% of victims said their abusers were men in their late 30’s

Only 6% of incidents get reported to the police

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